A 365-day devotional commentary that combines a daily teaching on the subject of prayer with a daily devotional and prayer challenge. Rick understands the desperate need for believers to not only pray, but to be a people of unceasing prayer who focus on God’s kingdom purposes. Readers are challenged to examine their prayer lives from a biblical and Christ-centered perspective.
- J. Chris Schofield
Learn to pray from the Master Himself, using this convicting book daily.
Written primarily for pastors, church leaders, and prayer coordinators, this book encourages the church to continue praying “after” a church event has concluded. You will be taught why and how to plead that the seed that has been planted is not taken away by the devil and his accomplices.
Post-Event Prayer is a powerful book! The book correctly points out that we pray before and during events, but seldom pray after events - allowing Satan to come and steal the seeds that were planted.
- Church Renewal Coordinator
This is a “basic training” manual that is necessary reading for every Christian! There are few resources available that offer such practical, honest, scriptural guidance on the subject of temptation - from both a proactive and reactive position. Experience victory when strong temptations come your way!
Everyone who covets a holier life should read this book. I found it practical, well written, and organized so well that it was easy to follow the concepts. I wish I had read it years ago.
- T.W. Hunt
This book will help you learn to pray (individually and as a church) with a focus on what God is doing to further His kingdom on earth. Examining scripture, you will be taught how to pray for what is important to God’s heart. Beneficial to every Believer from the new Christian to the seasoned intercessor!
Every time I read this book, I find a new prayer nugget. It's an absolute treasure in a tiny package.
- California Pastor
If we are looking for a God-honoring “model” for doing church, it is hard to improve on the Father’s heart. Here is a book that will challenge you and your church to be a place of operation for the loving expressions of the perfect Father. Each chapter concludes with a personal, family, and church “report card!”
When I read this book it caused me to pause and reflect upon who I am as a Christian.
- South Carolina Pastor